Cleanthe, Dupuy La Chapelle, education, Eurthyme, honor, Louis XIV, manners, Nine Years War, Paris, Ryswick Treaty, women
Dialogues sur les Plaisirs, sur les Passions; sur le…
Dupuy La Chapelle (fl. 1693-1730)
Paris: 1717
First edition
HQ1201 D8 1717
Dupuy La Chapelle was the “Secretaire au Traite de la Paix de Riswick.” The title refers to the Ryswick Treaty of 1797, which ended the Nine Years War and forced Louis XIV to give up some of his territorial possessions. Dialogues sur les plaisirs was dedicated to the author’s “Altesse Royale Madame.” La Chapelle stated that he intended his book to defend the honor of women, and to foster a strong respect between the sexes. La Chapelle wrote several other works, primarily on manners and education, including a tender book of instruction from father to daughter, which he wrote when his own daughter was ten years old. (“Do not read Novels,” he invoked.) In Dialogues sur les plaisirs, La Chapelle creates four conversations between the fictional Cleanthe and Euthyme.
Very nice!