Congratulations to Dr. Gregory Thompson, Associate Dean for Special Collections at the J. Willard Marriott Library for receiving the Life-Time Achievement Award from the Conference of Inter-Mountain Archivists (CIMA) for 2015. The award is given annually to individuals who have demonstrated considerable service and leadership in the Intermountain West, and who have made significant contributions to the CIMA organization and/or the archival profession. The CIMA Life-Time Achievement Award recognizes the work of an entire career, spanning the course of several years. The award was bestowed at the CIMA 2015 Western Roundup in Denver, Colorado (May 27-30).
The award states, “Gregory C. Thompson’s years as Associate Dean for Special Collections at the J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah, have been a shining beacon in our profession’s efforts to preserve history for researchers of today and tomorrow.
Undoubtedly, his efforts will ensure that countless stories from the historical record will be saved, and will have a chance to be forwarded to generations to come…[his] work having been recognized on the state, regional, and national level has brought prestige and gravitas to the archival profession in the inter-mountain region.”
Well put! Dr. Thompson’s work has also brought prestige and gravitas to the J. Willard Marriott Library and The University of Utah. Rare Books is proud to call him “boss.”

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