Camberwell Press, Camberwell School of Arts, Department of Graphic Arts, Emily Dickinson, Gefn Press, Khadi, Kozo, London, Plantin italic, poems, relief prints, Susan Johanknecht, University of Utah
Susan Johanknecht
London: Gefn Press, 1989
N7433.4.J65 F5 1989
Poems by Emily Dickinson illustrated with seven hand-burnished relief prints on Kozo collaged onto Khadi pages, one hand-colored with gold paint. Poems handset in Plantin italic and printed damp by Susan Johanknecht at the Camberwell Press, Department of Graphic Arts, Camberwell School of Art. Bound in debossed Khadi covers. Edition of fifty copies. University of Utah copy is no. 47.
Raw and gorgeous! I can’t wait to take a look in person.