Alison Conner, banned books, Daily Utah Chronicle, Kylee Ehmann, Luise Poulton, Marriott Library, rare books, Special Collections Reading Room
KYLEE EHMANN of the Daily Utah Chronicle writes about the Rare Books exhibition SHHHHH!
Banned Books Come to Marriott Library
“Poulton said that while an exhibition like this may seem dated in an era where information is primarily spread via the internet, she thinks it’s important for students to know the historical ways people have communicated controversial topics.
‘[The internet is] revolutionary in the way we see our world and the way we get our information, but it’s not the first revolution as far as the way we get our information by a long shot,’ she said. ‘This is a human struggle — this is a human story of trying to get information out.'”
All these books are a permanent part of Rare Books. Anyone can visit the books in person on level 4 of the Marriott Library, as part of the exhibition through November 1, and in the Special Collection Reading Room after the exhibition ends.
It looks like a wonderful exhibition, and I wish we had been able to see it. People shouldn’t even have to be reminded that information was conveyed in other ways before the internet! Is there really a generation growing up that doesn’t realize that? But I guess only some of us appreciate history.