Letterpress Printing: Text + Image
Crane Giamo, Instructor
June 14—August 2
Tuesdays, 5:00—8:00
Book Arts Studio, J. Willard Marriott Library, Level 4
$340, register here.
Get a handle on what it takes to crank out an edition of gorgeous letterpress prints. This active, eight-week class introduces the fundamentals of letterpress, from paper selection and cutting to mixing ink and printing. Guided by Crane Giamo, participants design and produce several individual projects using a variety of relief techniques and tools including metal and wood type, zinc cuts, linoleum blocks, pressure prints, photopolymer plates, and collagraphs.
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Crane Giamo is the studio manager and faculty instructor in the Book Arts Program at the University of Utah, and the lead printer for Red Butte Press. He is the co-founder of Delete Press, a poetry publishing outfit for which he works as letterpress printer, bookbinder, and papermaker. Crane’s own artists’ books can be located under the imprint Pocalypstic Editions. He holds an MFA in Book Arts from the University of Alabama, an MFA in Creative Writing from Colorado State University, and an MA in Poetics from the University at Buffalo.

Psalm 13-20
Crane Giamo
Tuscaloosa, AL: Pocalypstic Editions, 2014
N7433.4 G474 P73 2014
Text printed from photopolymer plates on a Vandercook #4 letterpress. Red paint slashing across the book is hand-painted using iron oxide pigment mixed with acrylic medium. Handbound in Japanese stab-stitch structure. Edition of twenty-five. University of Utah copy is no. 8.
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