Ameriprise Financial, Australia, Brigham Young University, Canada, Harold B. Lee Library, Heritage Edition of St. John's Bible, Japan, Judith Sommerfeldt, lecture, lettering arts, Medtronics, Saint John's University, Special Collections Department, St. John's Bible, United States, University of Minnesota, Utah Calligraphic Artists, Westlaw

Special Treatments Illuminations from the Wisdom Volume
The Utah Calligraphic Artists guild is pleased to host an evening lecture with Diane von Arx, one of three American calligraphers invited to be part of the artistic team for the St. John’s Bible project.
May 5, 2016
Utah Cultural Celebration Center
1355 West 3100 South
West Valley City, Utah
Diane von Arx worked as an illuminator on the St. John’s Bible and was also responsible for the design and completion of the Book of Honor, the donor volume for the collection. She is a renowned calligrapher and graphic designer of corporate resolutions and documents of recognition. Her corporate clients include Target Corporation; General Mills, Inc.; University of Minnesota, Westlaw, Medtronics, Ameriprise Financial, and Saint John’s University. She has taught lettering arts throughout the United States, Canada, Japan, and Australia.
Diane’s lecture will focus on her experiences working on the St. John’s Bible. The Special Collections Department of BYU’s Harold B. Lee Library will display two volumes of their Heritage Edition of the St. John’s Bible at the lecture. Refreshments and an opportunity to talk to Diane follows the presentation.
This event is free and open to the public.
For more information please contact Judith Sommerfeldt judithsommerfeldt@comcast.net
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