book collecting, Charlie Everitt, J. Willard Marriott Library, Ken Sanders, Luise Poulton, Michael Vinson, rare books, Special Collections, University of Utah
March 28, 2012
6:00 PM
Alta Club
100 East South Temple
Join the University of Utah’s Friends of the J. Willard Marriott Library for an eventful evening of rare books, a silent auction, and speaker Michael Vinson’s “Following Charlie Everitt on the Overland Trail in Search of Wagner-Camps and Other Western Rarities.” Ken Sanders, Ken Sanders Rare Books, will comment on two Utah writers and Luise Poulton, Marriott Library Rare Book Curator, will talk about the rare books on display from Special Collections.
The Evening will also include the opportunity to share your book collecting adventures and favorite books with fellow aficionados.
To attend: please contact Judy Jarrow at 801-581-3421 or judy.jarrow@utah.edu
Reservations required. Friends/Members: $40 Non-members: $45
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