“In every country whatever, he who violates a woman is a monster.”
The Independent Chronicle and Universal Advertiser
Nathaniel Willis, publisher
Boston, MA: Powars and Willis, 1776
v. 30: no. 1852 (1798: Dec. 17-20)
AN2 A2 I49
For The Chronicle
To the virtuous Females in the United States
“In every country whatever, he who violates a woman is a monster”
-Buonaparte to his soldiers
This exalted sentiment must endear the immortal Buonaparte to every female throughout the world – more particularly to the virtuous part of that sex in America, whose accomplishments have exalted them to the highest elevation, in every circle wherein delicacy and refinement are estimated.—While this Hero is engaged in the arduous services of the Camp, he is not unmindful of those duties, which as a man and a citizen he is bound to discharge. With what indignation must this amiable sex in America, hear the invectives heaped on the Armies of France, and the praises bestowed on those of Britain? In what instance, did a British General guard his Soldiery against such horrid practices?—While a Burgoyne was spreading the alarm of havoc, and destruction through every cottage in the interior; while he was painting the distressing scene of savages let loose upon our frontiers; While the frantic mother, was clasping her disconsolate daughter to her bosom, and the bloody tomahawk was anticipated as uplifted to fever them in their affectionate embrace. While the premeditated carnage was promulgated in the sanguinary proclamation of this British commander—at this important period, my fair countrywoman, how did your bosoms throb with convulsions at the dreadful issue of his progress! Your Habitations destroyed! Your Parents massacred, and yourselves the Victims of the brutal lust of an unprincipled Soldiery.— These were your fears while the Army of Burgoyne were making inroads into your country.—These were your apprehensions while the troops of England were moving with hostile menaces towards the Cottages of Saratoga.
How different was the conduct of the British Generals in America, to that of Buonaparte in Egypt! Instead of exciting the Soldiery to burn Towns and Cities—instead inflaming their passions to trespass on the sanctity of female virtue—instead of alarming the anxious feelings of the tender mother, or, causing the timid bosom of a virtuous daughter to palpitate with terrific apprehensions: The magnanimous Buonaparte, no less displays the martial energy of a Soldier, than the tender sensibility of a guardian. Amid his anxious cares as a general, he is not inattentive to the kind of pattronage of a protector. Amid the shouts of a victorious Army, he proclaims in accents more sonorous than their huzzas, “that WHOEVER VIOLATES A WOMAN IS A MONSTER.”—In this noble and generous sentiment he unites the Camp of Mars, with the Temple of Venus. His cannon became the bow and his shot the arrows of Cupid.
While contemplating the highly esteemed reputation of Buonaparte, as it respects his honor, fidelity and attachment to the fair sex, we cannot but contrast it with the character of one, whose military appointment has led to many eulogiums in case a War should commence between France and America. While Buonaparte is anxious for the tranquility of the Egyptian Women, the American Hero has even blasted the happiness of a virtuous Wife and Children, by publicly revealing his detestable deeds.—Compare my fair Citizens the two characters—and in every circle where you hear of Bounaparte, remember the man, who wickedly committed the Crime, and then sacrificed the tender feelings of his Family, by furnishing a document of the fact, which the sensibility of a Husband and a Parent ought ever to revolt at!—Can this man, at the head of his Army, ever use the language of Buonaparte? If he should, his own blushes, would penetrate with that firey pungency, as to occasion an explosion of the whole magazines within his camp. For the man who is capable of violating the confidence of a woman, must be destitute of every principle which secures her protection.
The generous sentiment of Buonaparte must even assure him the affectional attachment of the Ladies:– And they must reprobate those, who, in their hearing should speak disrespectfully of the conqueror of Tyrants, and the protector of Women.
Let the delicate pen of Philenia resound the praises of a Buonaparte: On this topic may her poetic sublimity become equally as immortalized as the fame of the Conqueror of Italy. While contemplating the exalted theme, every female breast must beat with rapturous transports, and every voice join in reiterated plaudits, in celebrating the Virtues of the Man, who declares amid the ravage of a Camp, that “WHOEVER VIOLATES A WOMAN IS A MONSTER.”
These are thy trophies immortal Buonaparte! Should you even fail in the conquest of India, your declaration on the borders of Egypt, will enrich your memory beyond the most sumptuous acquisitions of the Earth.
Rare Books issues of the Independent Chronicle and Universal Advertiser gift of Dr. Ronald Rubin.
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